CentOS has torrents (even Stream), Stella was awesome, live ISOs are also awesome, and you should try CentOS Stream

Torrents are available for all CentOS releases. After that, I cram a bunch of other stuff into this fun-filled entry.
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Not a review of CentOS Stream 8

I have so many notes. I started running CentOS Stream 8 five months ago, and I wanted to document every win, loss, setback and solution as I tried to make what isn’t really a desktop distribution — Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and its clones) — into my laptop operating system. I’m not going to look at my notes. This non-review won’t write itself, and the notes aren’t going to do it for me.
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CentOS Stream and the end of the CentOS clone: perils, pitfalls, risks and opportunities for Red Hat

<img src="/images/centos_logo.png" style=“float: right”;> Red Hat unleashed the kraken with its recent announcement that its CentOS 8 clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux would be shut down in 2021 instead of 2029, to be replaced by the newish CentOS Stream 8. What is CentOS Stream? It is a reimagining of CentOS as a continuously delivered yet version-constrained development distribution that tracks ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 yet stays within the RHEL 8 world from an ABI1-compatibility standpoint.
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